Financial freedom for all.
Financial freedom is of paramount importance as it empowers individuals and families to lead fulfilling and secure lives. Achieving financial freedom provides a sense of control over ones economic circumstances fostering peace of mind and reducing stress.
Having the know how on what products are available for you and your family to secure financial freedom is a major benefit and here at Horizon Financial & Co., it is our honor to be able to serve you.
Build wealth by planning ahead.
Life insurance & Final expenses
We work with all the major carriers to find you the most affordable policy to secure you and your family with peace of mind.
an in-depth look at your current policy and best illustration for savings and maximum coverage benefits.
Healthcare coverage
We can tailor a policy for you and your family that will give you the maximum coverage for life’s unexpected twist’s and turns.
A review of your current portfolio with an experienced advisor that can help you diversify your portfolio.
Wealth Management
We work with all clients from all walks of life... whether you have an old IRA you know isn’t performing for you or looking to transfer wealth to different products, we are here to give you the most up to date information to help you make the best financial choice.
A review on your current benefits and a look at what kind of savings you can achieve while still receiving the most affordable and effective coverage that wont break the bank.